The Accident – Thriller Novel – Shocking Story

The Accident – Thriller Novel – Shocking Story

The Accident - Thriller Novel - Shocking Story

The Accident – Thriller Novel – Shocking Story

Written by author Gillian Jackson, The Accident – Thriller novel is a well-written novel and a powerful, shocking story of how life can change in a moment. The Accident is a frightening story emphasizing how everything we know, and how we live, can change in one tragic moment.

The Accident Thriller Novel

This dramatic story captured my attention right from the beginning. As the story unfolds, the requisite time is taken to provide readers with well-drawn characters with whom they can identify. A terrible winter storm precipitates a terrible accident with serious repercussions for those involved, and for those whose love them as well. The Accident will pull on your heartstrings. And in aftermath of the accident, there will be physical and emotional agony.
As in all serious accidents, there is an effort to uncover the facts of how and why the accident occurred, and on what, or whom, the blame should be placed. But regardless of where the blame may fall, time cannot be turned back. The tragic results of the accident cannot be erased. All that is left after the accident are the challenges that come with the fortitude to go forward. And the biggest challenge may be to dig deep inside one’s self. In order to take that first step, one must first find the effort to cope and go on with life as it is in the present.
The Accident is about tragic trauma, yet it points the way to hope of survival and the dream of being able to rise above heart-breaking adversity.

Publisher Book Description from Sapere Books: 

One moment can change a lifetime… England, February 2018 ‘The Beast from the East’ – a deadly combination of below-freezing temperatures, torrential rain and flurries of snow – has swept across the British Isles. Most people are merely inconvenienced by it, but for some, the deadly storm will change their lives forever. With the icy conditions on the roads making navigating rush hour more perilous than ever, it only takes a moment for an accident to occur. Hannah Graham wakes up in hospital, suffering a life-changing injury – but she has no memory of the crash. Joe Parker escapes the accident but the person he loves most is not so lucky. Alan and Cassie Jones receive the worst news a parent can imagine a few hours after the collision. Three families have been affected, but who was to blame? As they struggle to piece their lives back together, can anything good come out of something so devastating?

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